This rapidly changing world poses constant risk to both our physical and mental health. In today’s fast paced world where it has become increasingly difficult to take out time for ourselves, it becomes all the more important to prioritize self-care. World Health Day, observed on April 7th, aims to raise global awareness about health and well-being.

World Health Day

Every year, World Health Organization observes April 7 as World Health Day to address global health concerns. Alongside various physical illnesses, mental health is also a significant concern. If you struggle with depression and anxiety, then it’s crucial to develop some methods to cope with the issues. Here, we present six tips on managing anxiety. 


Practice deep breathing exercises, meditation, and spend time in nature to promote inner calmness. Include relaxation techniques and physical activity into your daily routine. These practices on a regular basis can help in reducing anxiety. 


Engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. It stimulates the release of endorphins, that can help in reducing anxiety and stress levels. Activities such as walking, jogging, yoga or dancing can help calm the mind and promote overall well-being.

Good food

Consuming a balanced diet can also help in leading a better life. Take adequate sleep, minimize the intake of caffeine and alcohol to reduce anxiety. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins into your daily diet and aim for 7-8 hours of sleep. 

Identifying triggers

Try to identify the things that trigger your anxiety. If you are able to do it, then you can build boundaries and maintain a distance from things that worsen your mental health. By doing this, you can effectively manage your workload, and take breaks when feelings of anxiety arise. 

Seeking help

Seek support from friends and family when you’re feeling anxious. Tell them about your struggles with mental health. Engage in open and honest conversations with them, so that they can help you manage your anxiety better. Also, consider seeking help from a therapist to learn effective strategies for managing anxiety. 

Positive thoughts

One of the most important things is to distance yourself from negative thoughts. Instead, concentrate on harbouring positive thoughts and challenge yourself to reframe negative thinking patterns.