Obesity or weight gain invites numerous diseases, which can be detrimental to our health. If you have been struggling to shed weight for quite some time now, then you must consider changing your entire diet. Engage in regular physical exercise while consuming healthy food. Chia seeds are known for their quality of contributing to weight loss Let’s learn more about their benefits. 


Chia seeds can easily be consumed by adding them in pudding recipes. Alongside its delightful taste, it offers several nutritional benefits. Consuming chia seeds can help to stop your food cravings. These seeds are rich in fibre, which helps in maintaining a good weight. Additionally, it also reduces the risk of diseases such as diabetes. 

Curd rice

You can also consider adding chia seeds in your lunch meals. Simply mix a small portion of chia seeds with curd rice. Remember to soak the chia seeds in water beforehand. Chia seeds are rich in proteins as well, which helps in managing blood sugar levels. 

Chia seeds with ice cream

Chia seeds with ice cream sounds like a delightful choice. It creates a delectable and healthy treat, as chia seeds are abundant in minerals and omega-3 fats, while also containing antioxidants. This treat will not only satisfy your taste buds but will also provide several health benefits. 

Summer drinks

The season of summer is approaching and lemonade will become a daily refreshment choice for many. Consider adding a small amount of chia seeds to your drink. This intake of chia seeds can help in reducing body fat while boosting your energy levels in summer. 

Salad dressing

For a simple and quick meal, whisk together olive oil, vinegar, mustard, minced garlic, salt, pepper, and a tablespoon of chia seeds to create a delicious and nutritious salad dressing. Spread this dressing over your favourite salad greens and veggies for added flavour.