New Delhi: The three wings of the Indian military held a press conference on February 28, assuring the nation that its citizens and territory are well defended against any possible Pakistani misadventure.

The three wings also cleared a lot of air from several questions over which the Pakistani establishment and media have been spreading numerous misleading and propagandist rumours.

Ten most significant takeaways


All arms of the Indian military, IAF, Indian Navy and the Indian Army are in a heightened state of readiness to thwart any Pakistani designs on India.


Indian MiG 21 shot down Pakistani F16 on February 27. The Indian Air Force (IAF) produced evidence of the F-16 crash in the form of an air-to-air missile (AAMRAM) Aim 120C that only F-16, of all fighter aircraft Pakistan has, can carry. The missile parts had been recovered from Rajouri sector.


India also ascertained that the Pakistani F-16 violated Indian sovereign airspace by its typical electronic signature that was recorded by the forces.


A large package of Pakistani aircraft, including F-16, had entered Indian airspace to target military installations, including a brigade and a battalion headquarter, apart from military logistical centre.


From the Indian side, three kinds of aircraft had taken off to thwart the Pakistani aggression — MiG 21, Mirage 2000 and Sukhoi Su-30 MkI.


Pakistan lied and changed its version several times. First, it claimed two Indian aircrafts had been downed and three pilots arrested. Then said one aircraft and two pilots. Only, later it accepted that one MiG21 had been downed and one pilot, Abhinandan Varthaman was in captivity. Two pilots of the F16 had bailed out and were seen landing with parachutes.


Indian strikes achieved what they had planned. It would be premature to release the number of terrorists killed. Evidence of the damage done would be released as and when the political leadership decided.


The Indian army is all prepared to teach Pakistan a lesson for any possible misadventure. Army’s mechanised columns are also ready for retaliation. Ceasefire violations increased since February 14; 31 in the past two days by Pakistan, and has been answered in the same coin.


Air defence systems are ready all along LoC and along some parts of the International Border (IB).


The Indian Navy is ready to answer Pakistan on the surface, undersea and in the air.