Exercise and food are two crucial elements to consider while trying to reduce weight. The balance between the two is crucial. In your daily routine, if you follow your diet but skip exercise, or if you work out hard but do not follow your diet, your body will react extremely differently. 

In addition to weight loss, exercise provides numerous other benefits. Exercise boosts your mood, strengthens your bones, and lowers your chance of several chronic conditions. People prefer to avoid exercising because they do not have time to go to the gym or cannot afford to join a gym or hire a personal trainer to help them through their fitness journey.

So solution to this here aregiven the most effective exercise yo can do at you home:

1. Squats: Squat workouts are classified as muscular strengthening exercises. The primary goal of this workout is to improve the lower half of the body. Squats help to burn calories and prevent fat from forming in the lower body. This workout improves your mobility and balance. A beginner should strive for three sets of 12-15 reps of at least one form of squat to achieve greater results.

2. Planks: Plank Pose, also known as Plank Exercise, is an efficient full-body workout. The most significant advantage of Plank workouts is that they target the majority of the body's major muscle groups. It strengthens your core, shoulders, arms, chest, back, and hips. Along with these benefits, plank workouts aid in the rapid removal of extra fats and calories from the body. 

3. Lunges: A popular strength training routine that builds up and tones your lower body while also increasing your overall fitness and sports performance. Lunges are primarily designed to strengthen the back, hips, and legs. 
Lunges can help you gain lean muscle and lose body fat. It is critical to challenge yourself and incorporate lunges into a high-intensity training plan utilizing heavyweights. This workout's single-leg motions help to stabilize muscles, which improves balance, stability, and coordination.

4.  Aerobic Exercises: Walking is one of the most effective weight loss workouts. Fast walking is an excellent calorie-burning workout. An training program that is gentle on your joints and can be included into your daily routine.

5. Yoga: Yoga, a 5000-year-old practice, has been shown to be an excellent weight loss method. It is thought to have been invented by Rishis and Brahmans and contains five fundamental principles: exercise, diet, breathing, relaxation, and meditation.

6. Pushups and pull-ups: Push-ups are one of the most popular workouts, and they can be done at any time, anywhere, and by everyone. Push-ups are an excellent weight reduction workout because they lift your body off the ground and expend energy, which burns fat.