Ghee, an integral part of Indian meals, contains several health benefits. It not only enhances the taste of dishes but is also known for its nutritional benefits. However, before buying ghee from the markets, you must also be aware about how to check its purity. The market is flooded with adulterated ghee, containing various harmful substances like chemicals and dalda, which can lead to various health issues. Today, let’s explore three easy methods of checking the purity of ghee at home. 


Cold water

You can check the purity of ghee using cold water. Take a glass of water, add a spoonful of ghee to it and let it sit for a while. If the ghee remains floating on the surface of the water, it indicates purity. However, if it sinks to the bottom, it is highly likely that it is adulterated.


Colour of the ghee

Another method to identify pure desi ghee is by observing its colour. Heat 2 to 3 spoons of ghee in a pan. If the colour changes slightly to a light brown when heated, it indicates purity. However, if the colour remains the same as before or turns yellow, the ghee may be impure.


Another method

To check the purity of desi ghee, boil water in a bowl and add two spoons of desi ghee to it. After 2 minutes, turn off the heat and let it sit for 24 hours. If the ghee remains liquid and retains its original smell, it is likely pure. However, if it solidifies and loses its aroma, it may be impure.