The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has declared May 16 as National Dengue Day.  This day aims to create awareness about dengue and improve prevention measures against the disease.

Dengue shock syndrome is a heightened stage of dengue fever generally seen in children under the age of 10. Stomach pain, bleeding tendencies, and circulatory shock are the symptoms. Dengue haemorrhage will have more tendencies to bleed. Symptoms of dengue fever are high fever, headache, immense joint aches, nausea, and vomiting. Dengue complications can often cause death.

Here are some tips to prevent dengue viral infection

1. Drinking water is one of the most efficient and simple ways to stay fit and healthy and prevent infections

2. Keep your surroundings clean and tidy, get rid of stagnant water to reduce viable breeding areas for mosquitoes

3. Wear long-sleeved clothes which cover your hands and legs during this time to avoid mosquito bites and spread of dengue. 

4. Using mosquito nets to keep the mosquitoes away is a good way to prevent the spread of dengue.

5. You must separate the waste from the house into wet and dry, especially during the season of transmission of dengue. 

6. One preventive measure of dengue is to keep the dengue patients safe from mosquito bites. 

7. Make sure your window and door screens are secure and free of holes.

8.Use personal household protection such as window screens, coils and vaporisers.