Bengaluru: The World Health Organisation has praised India (PM Modi specifically) for its efforts in containing the spread of the virus. 

“World Health Organization commends India’s timely and tough actions to stop COVID19. It may be early to talk about results in numbers, but a six-week nationwide lockdown to facilitate effective physical distancing, coupled with expansion of core public health measures such as detection, isolation and tracing contact of COVID19 positive people, would go a long way in arresting the virus spread," Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, Regional Director, WHO, said in a statement, as per a popular website. 

In spite of the myriad challenges, India has done well to curb the spread of the virus. 

"In these testing times, the action lies as much with the communities as with the authorities and the health workforce. It is indeed time for each and every one to contribute their best and together beat the virus," the WHO official added.

The PM, in his speech, earlier in the day, had to say this about the measures he had taken. 

“A month, month and a half ago, several countries had been at par with India in terms of corona infection. But today, corona cases in those countries are 25 to 30 times than that of India. Thousands of people have tragically died in those countries. Had India not adopted a holistic and integrated approach, taking quick and decisive action; the situation in India today would have been completely different.” 

Prime Minister extended the lockdown till May 3 as opposed to the general thinking of April 30. The next one week will be crucial as officials fear community transmission. The
PM added that he will look into lockdown relaxation on April 20.