In today's world, financial literacy is a crucial skill that children need to learn early on. As parents, you play a vital role in teaching your children how to make the right financial decisions. Here are some practical tips to help teach your children about handling money responsibly.

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Start early

Introduce the concept of money to your children at an early age. Use everyday opportunities, such as shopping trips or saving for a toy, to discuss basic financial concepts like earning, saving, and spending.

Be a good example

Children learn best by observing their parents' behaviour. Act responsibly when handling money and show money management practices in your own life, such as budgeting, saving for goals, and avoiding impulse purchases.

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Pocket money

Give a small amount of pocket money to your children to teach them about earning. spending and budgeting. Teach them how to not overspend and save a portion for things they wish to buy in future. 

Setting goals

Help your children set short-term and long-term savings goals. It can be for a new toy, a bike, or college tuition. Having clear goals can motivate children to develop good saving habits.

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Family budgets

As your children grow older, involve them in family budgeting discussions. Help them understand the household expenses and how financial decisions are made. This will give them a greater appreciation for the value of money and the importance of budgeting.