Extreme heat poses a risk to the health of your plants. During summer, it becomes crucial to pay extra attention to your plants. Exposure to strong sunlight can cause the plants to dry out. Therefore, daily maintenance is required to address these issues to prevent the damage. Let’s learn effective methods for summer plant care. 

Best time to water your plants

Water the plants before the sun reaches its peak heat during the summer season. This will prevent plants from drying out. If you happen to forget to water plants in the morning, then avoid watering them in afternoon as the evaporation will lead to less water absorption. Instead, opt to water the plants in the evening to ensure proper hydration. 

Don't overwater

Some people water the plants more than the requirement, thinking that the plants require more water during the summer months. However, it’s important not to overwater the plants. When the soil becomes sufficiently moist, stop watering. Overfilling the pot with water can lead to soil erosion. 


For big gardens

If you have a large garden, employing the regular watering techniques may not be adequate. If you have sufficient funds, you can consider installing a drip irrigation system in your garden. It is considered a good irrigation system for large fields. 

Providing shade

During afternoons, the scorching heat of the sun can become unbearable for your plants too. To prevent the damage, consider installing cloth or net shades over the plants to provide them shade during the hottest part of the day.