People in Hyderabad were really surprised by a robbery that happened recently. The robbers used a trick like the Chaddi-Baniyan Gang, and videos of what happened spread all over the internet. Two masked robbers, one wearing regular clothes and the other wearing a burqa, took gold, money, and electronics from a businessman's home in SR Nagar.

The robbers, who might be part of the Chudidar Gang, wore traditional clothes to hide who they were while stealing from people.

Everything that happened during the robbery got caught on camera. The videos show the robbers going into the building, walking up and down the stairs, and then leaving with a bag.

Reports say the robbers took 40 grams of gold, Rs 1 lakh in cash, and a laptop. At that moment, the residents of the apartment were not at home. They found out about the robbery when they came back from Andhra Pradesh.

They told the police in SR Nagar about what happened. Now, the police are looking at the videos from the cameras to find out who the robbers are.

A police officer said, "We're investigating whether similar robberies have occurred previously. The way the robbers dressed and what they did shows that they knew what they were doing."

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