Pure Veg Fleet  

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  • Zomato introduces "Pure Veg Mode" and "Pure Veg Fleet" to cater to vegetarian preferencesZomato introduces "Pure Veg Mode" and "Pure Veg Fleet" to cater to vegetarian preferences

    IndiaMar 19, 2024, 5:34 PM IST

    Zomato introduces "Pure Veg Mode" and "Pure Veg Fleet" to cater to vegetarian preferences

    In a groundbreaking move catering to the dietary preferences of vegetarians, Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal announced the launch of "Pure Veg Mode" and "Pure Veg Fleet" on the popular food delivery platform. Recognizing that India boasts the highest percentage of vegetarians globally, Goyal emphasized the significance of meeting their specific culinary requirements regarding food preparation and handling.