Punjab: Sushma Singh was fond of animal caring since a young age. She was nine years old when she rescued a stray animal for the first time. Years later, she is still continuing with her noble work. Presently, Sushma Singh operates an animal shelter at her home and has 85 animals under her care. She considers it her responsibility to provide food and medical treatment for them. Apart from running an animal shelter home, she also feeds 300 strays every day. 

Who is Sushma Singh?

Sushma Singh is a resident of Patiala, Punjab. She lives in a humble house with her 70-year-old mother, brother, and 85 animals. She takes care of the finances with the salary she earns from her job at a private college. She is 42 years old and has never been married. She is the founder of the organization named Chaupaiyaan Jeev Raksha Foundation. 

Family’s support

Sushma Singh has been working in the service of animals for the last 30 years. She is that reliable human being for mute animals who will always go out of her way to help the animals in need. Taking care of sick and injured animals does not come easy and Sushma has had to brave through some challenges because of it. She has always received immense support from her family; her mother especially sold her gold jewellery to save up money to feed the strays. Sushma works with a target of feeding at least 300 animals every day. 

Collecting funds

When Sushma Singh carries out her duties and responsibilities at work, her mother and brother take care of the animals. She sets a small portion of her salary aside for the household needs and spends the rest in the care of her furry friends.  Along with taking care of 85 animals in her shelter, she makes sure to feed 300 animals on streets every day. She receives some financial help from a few generous people through her NGO.