From Mukesh Ambani to Elon Musk: Follow these 5 habits of billionaires to achieve success
First Published Jun 25, 2024, 10:43 AM IST
Several successful individuals around the world share some common habits that have helped them achieve their goals and reach where they dream to be. Here are some healthy habits of successful folks like Mukesh Ambani and Elon Musk to follow to embark on your journey to excellence.
Wake up early
No matter how late they hit the hay, successful individuals make sure they wake up early. Mukesh Ambani credits his productivity and mood to waking up at 5:30 a.m. and working towards his fitness and mental clarity.
Billionaire Bill Gates claims he reads 50 books a year, which contributes to his understanding and mental growth. He also loves to share his recommendations and reviews on his blog, GatesNotes.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos credits exercising and working towards your physical fitness in the morning as one of the major contributors to his success.
American businessman Mark Cuban swears by getting a full night's sleep for a successful and productive day ahead.
Building and supporting community
Successful people like Elon Musk and Bill Gates often emphasize the importance of working towards the welfare of the community and supporting it whenever possible.