Why Spanish Flu Of 1918 Matters In India's Coronavirus War

Mar 18, 2020, 7:50 PM IST

The deadly Spanish Flu, which slipped in through a ship of returning soldiers that docked in Bombay in June 1918 destroyed India. Close to 18 million Indians were killed by the deadly influenza, which is more than all the casualties in World War One. According to reports, India lost 6% of its people – more women than men. The 1918 pandemic is said to have claimed anywhere between 50 to 100 million lives world over. Although medical realities are vastly different now, the fact remains that there is still no cure for coronavirus. One must remember that the 1918 flu happened in the pre-antibiotic era and there was not enough medical care for the critically ill. Back then in India, western medicines were not widely accepted and people relied on home remedies.However, separated by a century, there are some striking similarities between the two pandemics and some key lessons India can learn from the 1918 flu. Watch this video to learn more.