Paddy festival in Tamil Nadu: Actor Sathyaraj urges people to participate in large numbers

Jun 3, 2019, 11:16 AM IST

Chennai: Paddy farmers across Tamil Nadu and neighbouring states are gathering at the annual Nel Thiruvizha in Thiruthuraipoondi, under the leadership of Nel Jayaraman.

This year, the festival continues, even though the death of Jayaraman has left a void in the agriculture industry. Kollywood actor Sathyaraj put out a video urging people to gather for the festival and show their support and love for Nel Jayaraman.

Nel Jayaraman was an advocate for organic farming. So much so that his last words were that if he had another decade to live, then he would have taken organic farming to every nook and corner of the country.

The seed festival is scheduled for June 8 and June 9.