A Former IPS Officer’s Guide to Achieving Success in UPSC

By Ishwi SinghFirst Published Jan 6, 2024, 2:19 PM IST

Tens of lakhs of students aspire to become IAS and IPS officers and dream of cracking the UPSC exams with flying colours. Former IPS officer Rajesh Pandey shares a few tips in this article addressing topics like how an aspirant must prepare for clearing the exams.

Lucknow: Tens of lakhs of students aspire to become IAS and IPS officers and dream of cracking the UPSC exams with flying colours. Former IPS officer Rajesh Pandey shares a few tips in this article addressing topics like how an aspirant must prepare for clearing the exams. 

The challenges

Rajesh Pandey emphasizes the challenge of living up to society’s expectations as an IPS officer. With direct public contact, people rely on the police for protection, and failure to meet these expectations can lead to issues. In the age of technology and evolving crimes like cybercrime, maintaining a clear vision and being alert are crucial for success in the IPS role. 

Staying updated

Rajesh Pandey mentions that the education system underwent significant changes during the pandemic. Renowned coaching institutes were shut down temporarily, prompting the rise of online education. Platforms like Telegram were used to distribute information and study materials. There are students who prepared solely through these online study resources and achieved success in UPSC. 

A change in methods

Reflecting on the past, Rajesh Pandey notes the transformation in studying methods. He further shares that aspirants used to read NCERT books, create handwritten notes, and use bullet points. In the age of technology, studying has evolved, and aspirants now receive test copies of successful UPSC candidates through coaching institutes. Using tablets or laptops, students prepare notes digitally. A very small number of students rely on traditional hard copies for their preparation. 

Adapting to an evolving world

Rajesh Pandey highlights the evolving nature of exam patterns, mentioning the inclusion of questions where multiple statements are provided, and candidates are required to identify the correct combination. He shares that to answer such questions, a comprehensive understanding of the entire syllabus is crucial. He advises aspirants to analyze previous year’s question papers and emphasizes the importance of staying updated with the evolving study methods. Adapting to these changes is essential for achieving success in the competitive exams.

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