Treating animals with kindness is a fundamental responsibility for humans, who occupy the apex of the food chain. Nonetheless, incidents of animal abuse and harassment persist, often resulting in significant consequences. Recently, a man from Auckland was fined $600 (approximately Rs 30,000) for attempting to "body slam" two Orcas, an act captured in a widely shared video was captured in February near the Devonport neighborhood of Auckland.

The Department of Conservation, New Zealand's public service organization, shared the video on Facebook on May 20, drawing widespread condemnation. The footage depicts the man diving from a cruise ship into the water, aiming to land on an Orca accompanied by its calf. Despite failing in his attempt, the man made physical contact with the marine mammal, a violation of regulations. His companions on the cruise boat can be heard cheering as he makes his reckless endeavor, demonstrating a blatant disregard for wildlife.

In a strongly-worded statement on Facebook, the Department of Conservation denounced the man's actions as unlawful and irresponsible, opting not to disclose his identity. They emphasized the dangerous nature of his behavior, both for himself and the Orca and its calf nearby. The department expressed gratitude to the public for bringing such violations to their attention, underscoring the importance of vigilance in upholding wildlife protection laws.

The incident sparked outrage on social media, with users condemning the abuse of the Orca and calling for accountability. Many demanded the release of the man's name, arguing that public exposure was warranted. Others highlighted the broader implications of such behavior, expressing concern for the well-being of marine life and its interactions with humans. The collective response on social media reflects a growing awareness and concern for animal welfare and the need for stringent enforcement of wildlife protection measures.

Investigation Officer Hayden Loper states that it is against the law in New Zealand to swim with orcas, sometimes referred to as killer whales.  This case serves as a reminder of the legal and ethical obligations individuals bear towards animals and the importance of respecting wildlife in their natural habitats.