World Tuberculosis Day 2024  

(Search results - 2)
  • World Tuberculosis Day 2024: 7 symptoms of TB ntiWorld Tuberculosis Day 2024: 7 symptoms of TB nti

    WorldMar 23, 2024, 11:53 AM IST

    World Tuberculosis Day 2024: 7 symptoms of TB

     Another name for tuberculosis is TB. If not treated on time, it may prove to be lethal. The lungs are the organs most commonly affected by tuberculosis (TB), but it can also affect the brain.

  • World Tuberculosis Day 2024: what is the significance of the day ntiWorld Tuberculosis Day 2024: what is the significance of the day nti

    WorldMar 22, 2024, 4:52 PM IST

    World Tuberculosis Day 2024: what is the significance of the day?

    The purpose of World Tuberculosis Day, which is observed on March 24 every year, is to raise public awareness of the fact that tuberculosis still kills around 1.5 million people annually, the majority of whom are in developing nations.