UGC-NET exams are scheduled for June 18, 2024. With just a month left before the exams, it's crucial to review your preparation strategies. During this time, you must begin focusing on revising what you have studied in the past few months. Here are some effective study tips to help you make the most of the final month:

Also read: Study plan to prepare for UGC NET Paper 1 in one month

1. Syllabus- Review the entire syllabus prescribed for the NET JRF exam. Identify the subjects you don’t have a full grasp on. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses in each topic or subject area. This review will help you prioritize your study time wisely.

2. Study schedule- Make a realistic study schedule that covers all the subjects and topics within the remaining time frame. Devote more time to areas where you feel less confident while ensuring you revise the topics you are already good at.

3. Understanding- Focus on understanding the core concepts and theories. Practice solving problems and questions related to each concept to improve retention. If there are any doubts related to any topic, seek help from your teachers and mentors. 

4. Solving previous years' question papers: This must be the most crucial part of your preparation strategy. Practice solving previous years' question papers to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, question format, and time management. 

5. Mock tests- Appear for mock tests regularly. This will help you ensure that you have covered all the subject topics. After each test, analyze your performance to understand your strengths and weaknesses better.

6. Revision- The syllabus for NET-JRF is vast, therefore, instead of revising the entire syllabus in the last month, focus on the revision of key concepts, formulas, and important facts. Prepare concise notes or flashcards to help you with revision.

7. Current affairs- Dedicate time to stay updated with current affairs, which are crucial for the NET JRF exam. Regularly read newspapers, magazines, or online resources to stay informed about recent developments.

8. Staying calm- Maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting adequate sleep, eating nutritious meals, and staying hydrated. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to manage exam-related stress effectively. Maintain a positive mindset and believe in your abilities throughout your journey. 

NET-JRF exams are considered one of the most difficult exams to crack; however, with diligent practice, you can achieve success in your very first attempt. All the best!