Bones, like any other part of the body, also require exercise and nutrition to boost strength and remain healthy. Taking good care of your bones is the key to an active life and ensures the maintenance of your bone mass. It can even help build more bone mass to prevent severe fractures and bone injuries. 

There are several exercises which can be done to enhance bone strength and overall health of the body. Properly exercising your bones and keeping them strong can be beneficial, helping to prevent various bone-related issues in the future, such as osteoporosis, decreased bone mass, reduced joint flexibility, and increased risk of chronic conditions. 

Following are some types of exercises you can do to strengthen your bones:



Exercises that involve carrying your own body weight, such as running, jogging, hiking, playing tennis, golf, or basketball are great for building strong bones. The force exerted by your body against gravity during these activities helps boost your bone strength. 

Resistance exercises 


These exercises help you by providing resistance for your muscles to work against such as elastic bands, dumbbells, and even your body weight. The resistance makes your muscles and bones grow and build mass. 

Yoga and Pilates 


Yoga poses like tree pose and warrior pose can effectively strengthen the bones. Try Yoga and Pilates, as they help enhance the flexibility and power of your bones and muscles. 

Tai chi


It is a gentle yet effective exercise that aims to enhance the balance and strength of the body. It involves slow-flowing movements and relaxing techniques that benefit both physical and mental health. 

Know that your bone health is as important as other parts of your body. Ensure sure your exercises also affect your bone strength and enhance their resilience to avoid serious bone injuries and fractures in the future. 

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