If you had resigned yourself to the ‘forever alone’ life, you should pack your bags and head to Mumbai. Turns out 'Lady Love' is more generous in the land of Bollywood.

According to a study by matchmaking app Banihal, women in Mumbai are likelier to take the initiative to connect as compared to Bangalore or Delhi. In fact, Bangalore girls are the least likely to make the first move and take the most time to respond to your advances. According to the app, girls in Bangalore take two days to reply compared to 1 day for Delhi and Mumbai.

The researchers studied the responses of 10,000 volunteers on the site, out of which 40% were women users on the platform.

However, when it comes to getting the most responses, ladies in Delhi are most popular. A Delhi girl's request to connect is 5 times more likely to get accepted as compared to 3 times for Bangalore and Mumbai.

The app uses neuroscience to find the perfect partners for its users. Using advanced AI algorithms and neuroscience research, RAE, the artificial intelligence system, has the ability to give you an unbiased shot at finding love.