Mastering the art of rhetoric can transform you into a powerful person. Choosing the right words, and saying the right things, have strong influence on people. Winning an argument is not about overpowering the other person, but it’s more about having good conversation skills and being able to persuade people to see your perspective on things. Let’s explore smart strategies to help you win any argument. 

Knowing when to argue or not

Not all disagreements need to result into a heated debate. You have to understand the level of seniority, intelligence, and whether the other person is right and has better opinions than you. Before arguing about something, ask yourself if it’s worth the energy. 

Active listening

Arguments are not only about saying your opinions and views, but it also involves active listening. It is no use if you refuse to listen to the other person’s statements. You cannot become a good leader, or just better at communication if you don’t pay attention to what others have to say. Listen attentively, ask clarifying questions, and show empathy. When people feel heard and understood, they're more likely to be receptive to your viewpoint.

Staying calm

This is one of the most powerful things one could learn to get better at. Imagine you want to have discussion with someone, but if it’s not going in your favour, you either start getting angry or you start crying. These are not healthy ways of expressing yourself. 

While getting angry about things is a normal behaviour, what would set you apart from others, is staying calm in heated discussions. The other person may throw provocative arguments at you, but you must take a deep breath, and excuse yourself momentarily if you feel overwhelmed. You’ll ultimately win the argument if you have a calm approach to it. 

Being reasonable

Always be reasonable and be aware of the other person’s intelligence. If you think they are more experienced than you and have better knowledge on the relevant subject, there is no use in arguing. Avoid relying solely on emotions or personal attacks, as they can weaken your position. Before starting any argument, read facts about things and stay updated with all the relevant information.

Agree to disagree

While arguing about something, try to find a common ground. Understand the other person’s views and try to come to a solution that suits both of the parties. Take the lead by reiterating all the statements that have been spoken and arrive on an ending argument. Acknowledge their perspectives and experiences, and do not use condescending language. The purpose is to win the argument calmly, and not to become a formidable figure.  

Communication and confidence are the two secrets that can help you become the best version of yourself.