Kanpur: Sam Altman, the founder of ChatGPT, commented on the development of Artificial Intelligence that India cannot compete with the leading companies of the Silicon Valley. India has made historic achievements by landing on the moon, and in comparison, creating an AI chatbot is a tremendously minuscule task. 

Tushar Trivedi has created an AI powered chatbot to compete with ChatGPT that is currently undergoing the testing phase. He is confident and determined to launch his powerful AI tool by the beginning of the year 2024. 

A better tool than ChatGPT

Tushar’s AI chatbot is called ‘Recag’ and looks promising in the field of AI. He shares that Recag is capable of performing tasks faster than ChatGPT and also has the ability to generate codes without any human interference. There are two models of ChatGPT; one performs the query-related tasks and the other generates images. 

With the completion of Tushar’s Recag, the users will be able to perform both the tasks on the same platform by using a voice feature. For example, if questions are asked about a government scheme, the user will be presented with a comprehensive guide, answering all the anticipatory questions. This chatbot will also be able to answer questions related to MSME and ODOP.

Who is Tushar Trivedi?

Tushar is a resident of Kanpur; He was enrolled at the National Indian Military College, Dehradun and Air Force School, Kanpur. For his graduation, he took admission in HBTI college. He completed his B. Tech degree and participated in NCC programmes as Indian Youth Ambassador. For work purposes, he lived in Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Sri Lanka for a while. After returning to India, he launched his startup ‘Bharat Tech’.

Making a difference

ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI. Sam Altman is the co-founder of the company. It interprets user questions and provides answers accordingly. 

Tushar shares the reason why his Recag is different from ChatGPT. India’s geographical location and cultures that are unique to India sets it apart from the European nations. Indians may have a different perspective to a problem than the leading European nations because of their culture and tradition. Recag would interpret the geographical location of the country from where the question is asked and would provide an answer after the analysis. Tushar aims to cater to this diversity by offering solutions for various issues. 

Furthermore, Recag will be introduced in Hindi language after the launch of English version. This will make it easier for the users to get familiar with AI. Tushar shares that his chatbot is also capable of performing sentimental analysis. 

Interview with Sam Altman

The former Google’s Vice President of India and Southeast Asia, Rajan Anandan, interviewed Sam Altman regarding ChatGPT during his visit to India. He asked Sam Altman to share his views on India’s ability to create such AI devices on their own, to which he replied that it is India’s responsibility to make an impact in the AI world. 

A team of 75 people

Running the startup without any funds was a difficult task; so, Tushar took up several jobs to support the business. He resigned from his jobs after the model of chatbot was completely ready for testing. At present, he is working with a team of 75 people. He offers stipend to the interns he works with.