Akash Joshi and Ankur Pathak, hailing from Madhya Pradesh, built a thriving business, IMAST, from humble beginnings. Now valued at Rs 100 crore, the company offers technology-driven solutions to various industries and has emerged as one of India’s leading startups. Let’s explore the inspiring success story of Akash Joshi and Ankur Pathak.


Akash Joshi hails from a middle-class family in Dewas. A top student throughout his academic journey, Akash earned an engineering degree followed by an MBA. While working in large corporations, he always harboured a desire to carve out his own path and create his own identity. In contrast, Ankur Pathak brought over a decade of experience in IT and supply chain management. Having worked with several prominent brands, he gained deep expertise in technology-driven channel transformation. Both Akash and Ankur shared a vision of building their own business, using technology to push boundaries and achieve new heights.


In 2016, Akash Joshi and Ankur Pathak teamed up to found IMAST. Initially focusing on the pump industry, they quickly expanded their offerings to serve a variety of sectors. Their flagship product, "IMAST 360," delivers customised technological solutions tailored to the needs of different industries. What began with a small customer base soon grew, as IMAST secured contracts with major companies like Ashok Leyland, Trident Group, and Raymond, marking the company’s rise to prominence.

Business success

In the beginning, Akash and Ankur faced several challenges, including limited resources and the task of establishing market recognition. However, they relied on their experience and built strong relationships with their clients, earning their trust over time. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when many businesses were struggling, IMAST continued to thrive by providing essential support to industries in need. By understanding their customers' unique needs, Akash and Ankur developed effective solutions, and their team successfully completed every project. Having established a solid foothold in India, IMAST is now poised to expand into international markets, including the UAE and the US.