There was a time when Sonika struggled to make the ends meet with her husband’s humble salary. Today, her life has been completely transformed with a broom making business. Sonika lives in Rali Chauhan village in Meerut. Her husband used to work as a painter but could only find work a few days each month. During these challenging times, she learned how to make brooms and started a business of her own. The demand of these brooms surged over time, and the same broom has now swept away poverty from her life.

The beginnings

It was tremendously challenging to survive on her husband’s low income. Driven by the purpose of providing her children a better education, she decided to pursue a path to make good earnings. With her family’s support, she began receiving training from Canara RSETI located in Jail Chungi. The training lasted six days, and she learned how to make brooms. Starting the business was challenging as it required investment. Sonika borrowed Rs 25,000 and began making brooms from her home. 

Enduring challenges

Sonika collaborated with the local shopkeepers. The brooms made by her received a positive response which led to increased sales. She began receiving orders for more products. To meet the rising demands, she took help from her husband and other women from the village. 

The path to achieving financial freedom was not easy. Being a woman from a local village, she was ridiculed by people. Despite these difficulties, she remained focused on her work. Now, the women working with her have become self-reliant too. 

Monthly earnings

In the initial days, Sonika had to go to the market herself to sell the brooms. Over time, her business expanded, and now she supplies her products by trucks. Her broom making business has grown to a turnover of Rs 10 to 12 lakh. She manages to save about Rs 50,000 a month.

She pays trained women workers Rs 800 to Rs 1000. Sonika has become an inspiration to the villagers in Meerut. Her story is testament to the fact that no work is insignificant, and that hard work and dedication always lead to success.