Google Maps, a navigation tool launched in 2005, has revolutionized how we navigate the world, providing real-time traffic updates and aiding in discovering nearby amenities. Despite its many advantages, users occasionally encounter incorrect directions attributed to outdated GPS data or technical glitches, leading them astray. In response to instances where travelers found themselves off-course in Kodagu district, locals intervened by displaying the now-famous signboard to guide visitors to their intended destination.

The image of the signboard shared on social media platform X quickly gained traction, garnering over 47,600 views and more than 1,200 likes since its posting on March 14. The online community chimed in with diverse reactions, sharing personal anecdotes of Google Maps mishaps and emphasizing the need for caution when relying solely on digital navigation tools.

One user recounted a misadventure in Lucknow where they ended up in a residential area instead of the intended destination, highlighting the unpredictable nature of digital mapping services. Another individual directly addressed Google Maps and Google India, urging them to rectify the incorrect route highlighted by the Kodagu signboard.

People sharing their stories highlighted how Google Maps often leads to confusion in mountainous areas, recounting unexpected detours and the need to seek help from locals to find the right path.

The collective sentiment expressed online reflects a shared cautionary tale about the limitations of digital navigation, especially in remote or unfamiliar areas.