Understanding Stage 3 Breast Cancer: Signs, Symptoms, and Early Detection
First Published Jun 28, 2024, 2:06 PM IST
With Hina Khan's heartbreaking announcement of a stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis, the whole nation is wishing for her speedy recovery and wellness. Breast cancer is a serious issue that is often ignored by several women. It is the most common cancer in India and should be discussed openly to spread awareness and knowledge about it. Here, let's take a deep look and understand the different stages of breast cancer, its signs, symptoms, and early detection.
What does stage 3 breast cancer mean?
Cancer is generally classified into several stages, which indicates the complexity and seriousness of the disease. It is based on the size of the tumor, its location, and its spread. Breast cancer is a cancer that starts in the breast and can spread to both breasts. It is common in women and even though it is extremely rare in men, the chances are still there.
In stage 3 breast cancer, the cancer has grown and the cancer cells have started to spread to nearby lymph nodes and tissues.
What are the causes of stage 3 breast cancer
No one can pinpoint one exact cause of breast cancer. Several factors may contribute to the development of the tumor, such as genetics, age, history of breast cancer in the family, lifestyle, and hormonal factors.
What are the symptoms of stage 3 breast cancer
Symptoms for stage 3 breast cancer vary from individual to individual, depending on the size of the tumor, location, or even treatment. However, some common symptoms of stage 3 breast cancer are a lump in the breast or underarm, discharge from the nipple, redness of the breast or nipple, scaliness, pain, change in breast size or shape, and dimpling of skin.
Early signs of breast cancer
The early signs of breast cancer include swelling of the breast or area near the breast, dimpling of skin, pain in the breast or nipple, discharge from the nipple, redness, scaliness, and flakiness of nipple or breast skin.
What is the treatment of stage 3 breast cancer
Generally, the treatment for any sort of cancer is a mixture of several therapies designed to fight the cancer cells and stop the tumor from growing. The treatments for stage 3 breast cancer include surgically removing the tumor or removal of the entire breast (mastectomy), chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormonal therapy, among others.
How to detect breast cancer early
The sad thing is, most of the time, women don't even realize they have breast cancer, as it rarely shows symptoms in the early stages. That's why spreading awareness and promoting regular breast cancer examinations and screenings are crucial. A screening test (mammogram) done by a professional can help you detect breast cancer.
One can also do a self-breast exam at home. It is done by pressing every part of the breast with three fingers and looking for lumps, thick spots, or unusual changes in the breasts. Nothing compares to a legitimate mammogram done by a professional; however, this self-breast exam can also help you get a rough idea of your breast health.