Tulsi to Lavender: 6 Plants That Help Repel Insects During Monsoon
First Published Jul 8, 2024, 3:01 PM IST
With the arrival of monsoons, numerous insects also come out to find shelter and breed. However, planting these six plants in your home can help prevent insects.
Lavender plants emanate a pleasant smell, but it is disliked by insects including mosquitoes and flies.
Citronella can repel mosquitoes. The plant’s strong citrus scent effectively keeps the insects and mosquitoes away.
Basil, commonly known as Tulsi, is a sacred plant but also functions as a natural repellent for mosquitoes and flies.
Marigolds emit a potent odour that effectively repels insects. They contain pyrethrum, a compound used in various insecticides.
Peppermint plant also releases a powerful odour that repels mosquitoes. These plants can also be grown easily at home, or you can buy one from the nursery.
Rosemary’s strong scent acts as a natural repellent against mosquitoes and other insects. It can be a valuable addition to your kitchen garden.