People in Karachi hold protest seeking justice for forced conversion of Hindu girl Mehek

Feb 16, 2020, 12:28 PM IST

Karachi: Members of the civil society along with lawyers held a protest outside Karachi press club on February 15. The protest was held under the aegis of Lalkar Social Forum to seek justice for Mehak Kumari, a minor Hindu girl who was abducted, forcibly converted and married to a Muslim man.  Mehak was abducted by a middle aged man, Ali Raza, from the Jacobabad district of Sindh province on January 15. According to the girl, she was forced to accept Islam causing a widespread furore among the Islamic fanatics.  Some Pakistani clerics want the minor girl dead after she retracted her previous statement in the court, where she said that she had accepted Islam of her own free will. Meanwhile, the court which is yet to announce the verdict has send Mehak Kumari to a local Dar-ul-Aman in Larkana district of Sindh for eleven days. Abduction and forceful conversion of Hindu and Chri