World Emoji Day: 10 emojis you have been using wrong

First Published Jul 17, 2019, 8:29 AM IST

Using the right emojis for the right reason is difficult, especially since no one is taught these things in school so one often ends up misinterpreting them. Here are 10 emojis that you have been using wrong or misinterpreting

What you think: A peace emoji or an emoji that says, “Two please.” What it actually means: The emoji represents victory.
What you think: A whining emoji || What it actually means: While the resemblance to our sleep-deprived faces is uncanny, the emoji shows how tired you are at the moment.
What you think: Crying face emoji || What it actually means: The emoji represents sad or relieved face and can be used while you are in your boss’s cabin getting grilled.
What you think: Friendly face emoji || What it actually means: The person who sent you this emoji is literally asking you for a hug, that is if they know what it actually means.
What you think: Naughty emoji || What it actually means: All this while you used this emoji when you were up to some mischief, didn’t you? But the emoji is for enjoying or savouring food.
What you think: Frustrated or angry emoji || What it actually means: Haven’t you already lost count of the number of times you have used this emoji to show how frustrated you are? Well, stop that right now and use it to show how much of a winner you are when you have overcome obstacles.
What you think: Let’s party or an all-girls party emoji || What it actually means: Well, the emoji is a two-person bunny and is the Japanese version of a Playboy bunny. Tell your girl gang now!
What you think: Wow! That is a cute little monster face || What it actually means: It is the symbol of a Japanese Ogre called “Namahage”. He’s not that cute.
What you think: Push up or lying down for a massage emoji || What it actually means: Now that you are informed of the actual meaning, use it only when you are deeply apologetic. This could especially work when you are really in trouble.
What you think: High-five || What it actually means: The emoji can be used to say please or thank you. It can also be used to represent ‘praying’. But it is never a high-five.
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