Irfan Bhati  

(Search results - 1)
  • Irfans father ran a scrap business and now Irfan is earning 1.2 crore at Google iwhIrfans father ran a scrap business and now Irfan is earning 1.2 crore at Google iwh

    India UntoldAug 31, 2023, 12:03 PM IST

    Irfan’s father ran a scrap business and now Irfan is earning 1.2 crore at Google

    People shared stories about Irfan Bhati’s success after he earned himself a job at one of the top companies of the world. His neighbours gathered to celebrate his accomplishment along with his family and friends. He is currently earning an annual salary of Rs 1.2 crore. Let’s read about Irfan’s journey to success.