Gyanesh Tiwari  

(Search results - 1)
  • Organic Farming Making Lakhs from a Vermicompost Business farmer-gyanesh-tiwari iwhOrganic Farming Making Lakhs from a Vermicompost Business farmer-gyanesh-tiwari iwh

    India UntoldJan 10, 2024, 2:26 PM IST

    Organic Farming: Making Lakhs from a Vermicompost Business

    Gyanesh Tiwari conducted thorough research and received necessary training to open his dairy business. When he encountered a challenge of disposing cow dung, he recognized the potential in utilizing it rather than considering it a waste. In the year 2016, Gyanesh Tiwari received training in vermicomposting, and laid the foundation of his vermicompost production business.