
(Search results - 3)
  • China constructs a public toilet on the same site where a mosque once stood!China constructs a public toilet on the same site where a mosque once stood!

    IndiaAug 17, 2020, 1:09 PM IST

    China constructs a public toilet on the same site where a mosque once stood!

    A public toilet came up on the same site that where a mosque once stood in Atush of Xinjiang province in northwestern China

  • China normalises atrocities meted out to Uighur MuslimsChina normalises atrocities meted out to Uighur Muslims

    WorldOct 9, 2019, 10:32 AM IST

    China normalises atrocities meted out to Uighur Muslims

    Chinese authorities have normalised the atrocities that have been meted out to Uighur Muslims saying that it was just a ‘normal’ judicial activity. This comes in response to a viral video where Chinese Uighur Muslims were blindfolded and were being transferred to re-education centres. 

  • How China deals Uyghur terrorism XinjiangHow China deals Uyghur terrorism Xinjiang

    IndiaFeb 26, 2019, 7:30 PM IST

    How China deals with Uyghur terrorism in Xinjiang

    While China faces Uyghur terrorism in its Xinjiang province of intensity much less than what India experiences, the Communist Party-run government of that country comes down heavily on the potential mischief mongers on every occasion, targeting especially their religion, which the Chinese believe is the cause of extremism