Tinkesh Kaushik, a resident of Goa, has achieved a remarkable feat by becoming the world’s first triple amputee to conquer Mount Everest Base Camp. Kaushik made history on May 11, showcasing immense determination and willpower. 

This climb is challenging for all climbers and Tinkesh’s feat as an amputee is an incredible achievement. Fuelled by his resilience, he hoisted the Indian flag at Mount Everest’s base camp, situated at a height of 17,598 feet above sea level. 

Setting a record

Speaking to the media, Tinkesh shared that the journey was full of challenges. But his willpower was strong enough to help him achieve his goal. He expressed his joy at setting an example for other disabled individuals. Avelino D’Souza, head of the Disability Rights Association of Goa (DRAG), confirmed that Tinkesh Kaushik is the first triple amputee in the world to reach Mount Everest Base Camp. 

A dream to touch the sky

At just 9 years old, Tinkesh lost both legs below the knees and an arm in an accident in Haryana. He uses artificial limbs. A few years ago, he moved to Goa and began working as a fitness coach. He set a goal of embarking on the journey to Mount Everest base camp. During his journey, he faced challenges as he had no prior experience in mountaineering. 


Despite all the challenges, he was determined to reach the base camp. He began his trek from Nepal on May 4. At one point, the oxygen levels dropped, causing headaches and vomiting. However, his will to achieve his dream never wavered. He believes that with mental strength and perseverance, nothing is impossible in life.