Mauritius: Narendra Modi, Pravind Jugnauth jointly inaugurate new SC building

By Team MyNationFirst Published Jul 30, 2020, 2:33 PM IST

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Mauritian counterpart Pravind Jugnauth jointly inaugurated the new Supreme Court building of Mauritius at Port Louis

Bengaluru: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Mauritian counterpart Pravind Jugnauth on Thursday jointly inaugurated the new Supreme Court building of Mauritius at Port Louis.

Addressing the virtual event, the prime minister said that history has taught us that in the name of development partnerships, nations were forced into dependence partnerships.

It gave rise to colonial and imperial rule; it also gave rise to global power blocks, Modi said.

For India, the most fundamental principle in development cooperation is respecting our partners, he said.

"This sharing of development lessons is our only motivation. That is why our development cooperation does not come with any conditions," Modi asserted.

The new Supreme Court building in Port Louis is a symbol of India-Mauritius cooperation and shared values, the prime minister said in his address.

Further, PM Modi congratulated the Government and people of Mauritius for effective management for controlling the global pandemic in the island country. He hailed India's special friendship bond with Mauritius as one which is based on deep rooted cultural linkages.

Speaking at the occasion, Modi highlighted India's belief in the concept of SAGAR which stands for security and growth for all in the region. The vision of SAGAR was enunciated by Prime Minister Modi in 2015. He underlined that India's developmental goals are human centric and the nation always strives to move along all its partners on the trajectory of growth. He stressed that India's relationship with other countries does not involve financial obligations but is centred towards mutual growth and respect.

Prime Minister of Mauritius Pravind Jugnauth speaking after the inauguration of the newly constructed supreme court building said India has always been helpful in development goals of Mauritius. He said under Prime Minister Modi, the bond kept between both the countries has strengthened to new levels. He said, Mauritius is thankful for the support of the Indian Prime Minister towards completion of developmental projects in the country. He also remembered Prime Minister Modi's pledge for 'sabka saath, sabka vikash aur sabka vishwas'.

The Supreme Court building has been constructed with Indian grant assistance of 30 US billion dollars and has been constructed under the India-assisted infrastructure project in the capital city of Port Louis after the outbreak of coronavirus. It is also one of the 5 projects being implemented by India in Mauritius under the social economic package.  

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