Over the years, listening to podcasts has emerged as a favourite activity among the youth. There are podcasts on a vast range of subjects, including parenting, dating, education, practical advice, and many more. If you want to get ahead in life by listening to some motivational podcasts, here are some recommendations for you. 

1. The Marie Forleo Podcast: Marie Forleo, entrepreneur and bestselling author, talks about how to fall in love with life. She encourages listeners to create a life and business they love. Through interviews, insights, and Q&A sessions, Forleo shares strategies for overcoming obstacles and pursuing goals. 

2. Happier with Gretchen Rubin: Bestselling author Gretchen Rubin explores the science of happiness and habits in this insightful podcast. Alongside her sister Elizabeth Craft, Rubin shares practical tips and experiments for cultivating joy, productivity, and fulfilment in everyday life.

3. The Tim Ferriss Show: Hosted by author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss, this podcast features interviews with world-class performers across various fields. Ferriss discusses the routines, habits, and strategies for success, offering valuable insights and advice for personal and professional growth.

4. The Tony Robbins Podcast: Tony Robbins is a renowned life coach and motivational speaker. He shares his strategies for achieving peak performance and fulfilment in every aspect of life. Each episode delivers practical tools for personal transformation.

5. The School of Greatness: Lewis Howes, a former professional athlete and lifestyle entrepreneur, hosts this podcast. He explores what it takes to live a fulfilling and impactful life. He also interviews industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and experts to find their keys to success and happiness. He also runs a YouTube channel that you can follow.