Bengaluru: Whether you live in a slum or a posh area, it certainly doesn’t matter. All that matters is dogged perseverance to achieve big in life. 

Six students from Mumbai’s slum Govandi are testimony to this statement. 

As reported by India Today, these six students have cleared the NEET exam and will be pursuing their MBBS degree. 

Incidentally, this slum is known for its crime. 

Jaiba Khan, one of the achievers said, “Since my childhood, I was clear that I will become a doctor like my father. I have grown seeing my father working for needy people,” to ANI.

She further added, “Though it was not an easy task to clear NEET, a proper schedule of studies and planning helped me clear this exam. We saw how the shortage of doctors affected us during the COVID crisis. I was determined to crack it”. 

Saif Asif Jogle is another achiever. He scored 591 out of 720. He adds that he wanted to become a doctor as the shortage of doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic had disappointed him. 

“During my childhood, I have seen my parents and people with weak financial background struggling to get treatment. With an aim to work for them in the future, I decided to become a doctor,” he said.

He further added, “I have the full support of my parents. Govandi is known for many negative reasons but I kept myself away from that. I kept my friend circle limited so that I could stay away from others to focus on my studies.”

The website also added Dr Khan, a local doctor as saying, “So, we have decided to motivate our own children to become not only doctors but engineer lawyers, etc. Our association holds an annual function every year where we educate parents and felicitate students who score good marks in high school. We also guide them to pursue career-oriented studies”.