Vitamin B7  

(Search results - 2)
  • Biotin Boost: Discover the positive effects and uses of biotin for hair ntiBiotin Boost: Discover the positive effects and uses of biotin for hair nti

    Lifestyle NewsApr 24, 2024, 11:48 AM IST

    Biotin Boost: Discover the positive effects and uses of biotin for hair

    Biotin is a vital vitamin that aids in the development of keratin (the protein responsible for nail, skin, and hair formation). Some research, including, has revealed that a shortage of biotin in your body might cause hair loss.

  • 5 Best foods for faster hair growthrtm5 Best foods for faster hair growthrtm

    FoodApr 18, 2024, 6:21 PM IST

    5 Best foods for faster hair growth

    Foods like eggs, amla, and lentils help with hair growth as they promote collagen production and strengthen the hair follicles, resulting in thick and strong hair.