Sweating is a bodily function that regulates body temperature. When the body's temperature rises, sweat glands under the skin release fluid, most of which is water. The fluid evaporates from the skin, cooling the body. 

Although sweating is normal, some people may be bothered if it causes obvious damp patches or stains. Excessive perspiration may also cause irritation and skin rashes. 

Here are some ways for sweat reduction:

1. Practice Stress-Reduction Techniques: Nerves that are sensitive to hormones, emotions, and other stimuli stimulate the sweat glands. During stressful situations, your body increases its temperature, triggering the glands that produce sweat and causing stress sweating. To avoid stress sweat, you should manage your stress levels by deep breathing exercises, listening to music, or talking with a loved one or friend. 

2. Wear loose and breathable fabric: To reduce sweating, wear clothing composed of light, breathable fabrics with appropriate ventilation. Choose brighter colours because they reflect the sun's rays rather than absorbing them, keeping you cool. Loose clothing helps perspiration to dissipate, while breathable fabrics assist wick moisture from the underarms.

3. Maintain A Cool Environment: Sweating is the body's natural cooling process, so staying cold can help you sweat less. During hot weather, sitting beneath a fan or drawing shades and curtains during the day can help you avoid overheating. When out in the sun, it's best to stay in a shady area. A portable fan might also help.

4. Seek medical assistance: If you think you sweat too much, you should see your doctor to rule out hyperhidrosis. If that's the case, then there are several treatment alternatives accessible, including prescription antiperspirants, oral medication, and so on.

5. Apply antiperspirant: To minimize perspiration, apply antiperspirants to the sweatiest areas, such as the underarms. Antiperspirants block sweat ducts, keeping sweat from reaching the skin's surface. Unlike deodorants, which cover perspiration odor, antiperspirants regulate sweat production. Some antiperspirants contain deodorant characteristics and can therefore be used before going out.

6. Avoid Specific Foods: Hot meals can cause the body to heat up, resulting in perspiration in an attempt to cool down. Caffeine is also not recommended since it stimulates the adrenal glands, generating perspiration in the feet, palms, and underarms. To prevent sweating, avoid consuming these meals. Furthermore, eating smaller, more frequent meals can help you stay cool because the body produces heat when it breaks down food. Staying hydrated is also helpful for keeping your temperature down.

7. Avoid using deodorants: Deodorants only conceal the odor of sweat, however perfumes can reduce sweating. The optimum time to use deodorant is at night. Some doctors prescribe applying prescription perfumes to dry underarms at night for 3 to 5 nights. A person may then limit their use to once or twice per week.