Language learning requires patience, creativity, and a bit of fun. You can encourage your child to learn a new language to help them get exposure to a world full of opportunities. With some engaging activities and playful techniques, parents and teachers can make language learning an enjoyable journey for kids. 

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Fun learning games

•    Play games like memory cards, board games, or scavenger hunts where children have to find and match vocabulary items.
•    Use interactive online games or apps designed for language learning. These games often include colourful graphics, animations, and rewards to keep kids motivated.
•    Role-playing activities are another fun way to encourage your child to stay motivated. Act out scenarios using the target language.

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Songs and nursery rhymes

•    Singing songs and nursery rhymes in the target language can help children learn vocabulary, pronunciation, and rhythm naturally.
•    Use catchy tunes and repetitive lyrics to make learning fun. Encourage children to sing along and dance to the music.

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•    Read storybooks, picture books, or comics in the target language to children. 
•    Act out stories using props, puppets, or costumes to make storytelling interactive and immersive.
•    Encourage children to narrate their own stories or create their own picture books in the target language.

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Celebrate festivals and holidays

•    Learn about different cultural festivals and holidays celebrated in countries where the target language is spoken.
•    Participate in cultural activities, crafts, and traditions associated with these festivals.

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