India Untold

Here are the 9 Best Qualities of a Great Leader

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Leadership skills

Leadership potential can manifest in people from a very early stage in their lives.

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Exceptional leadership

Having strong communication skills and a knack for active listening can pave the way for you to become a great leader. 

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Emotional intelligence

Great leaders exhibit a strong sense of emotional intelligence and empathy, allowing them to acknowledge the emotions of those around them. 

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Connecting with people

Great leaders forge deep connections with people, showcasing their ability to cultivate strong relationships. 

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Being dynamic

The ability to devise strategies that adapt to evolving situations, is a great quality of a leader. 

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Thinking strategically

Great leaders possess strategic thinking, which enables them to define long-term objectives and formulate plans to attain them. 

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Making decisions

Leaders are frequently required to make swift decisions in challenging situations. They take responsibility for the outcomes, whether they turn out positively or negatively.

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Being an inspiration

Leaders set examples by establishing standards through their actions rather than mere words. They become role models for people around them. 

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Recognizing capabilities

Great leaders inspire and motivate others towards achieving common objectives, often by acknowledging their own strengths and weaknesses.

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