4 unhealthy foods to avoid for flawless skin
First Published Jun 4, 2024, 11:16 AM IST
Your diet plays a crucial role when it comes to achieving glowing and clear skin. Regular consumption of fresh fruits and healthy greens can slow down the aging process.
Healthy and glowing skin requires close attention to your diet. Here are four foods that you must avoid if want glass-like skin.
Refrain from consuming processed foods and snacks. These food items contain refined sugars, additives, and unhealthy fats that can lead to poor immune system and increased inflammation.
Also limit your dairy intake. Excessive consumption of dairy can impact the health of your skin. It is recommended to reduce dairy intake if you want flawless skin.
Refined sugar can increase insulin and blood sugar levels, negatively impacting your health. This can also cause premature aging.
Fried foods can lead to weight gain and can directly contribute to skin aging process. Limit the intake of fried foods and include healthy greens in your diet.